![Codex Leicester, 34v. - "There are two centres of sphericity of water: one is that of universal water, the other is particular. Of the universal kind is that which serves for all of the waters without motion, which make up a great quantity, such as canals, ditches, fish nurseries, springs, wells, dead rivers, lakes, swamps and seas; the which, although they are all of different heights, have surfaces that are equidistant from the centre of the world, as in the lakes found at the tops of the highest mountains, like the one on Pietra Pana, and the lake of the Sibilla, a Norcia[...]". The mountain of "Pietra Pana", mentioned also by Dante, is Pania della Croce, in the Alpi Apuane; it has an altitude of 1,858 meters above sea level. Today there is a mountain shelter, the Rifugio Pietra Pana, at an altitude of 1,180 m.](https://vitruvio.imss.fi.it/foto/isd/av/lei_34v_800.jpg)
Codex Leicester, 34v. - "There are two centres of sphericity of water: one is that of universal water, the other is particular. Of the universal kind is that which serves for all of the waters without motion, which make up a great quantity, such as canals, ditches, fish nurseries, springs, wells, dead rivers, lakes, swamps and seas; the which, although they are all of different heights, have surfaces that are equidistant from the centre of the world, as in the lakes found at the tops of the highest mountains, like the one on Pietra Pana, and the lake of the Sibilla, a Norcia[...]". The mountain of "Pietra Pana", mentioned also by Dante, is Pania della Croce, in the Alpi Apuane; it has an altitude of 1,858 meters above sea level. Today there is a mountain shelter, the Rifugio Pietra Pana, at an altitude of 1,180 m.
© Alessandro Vezzosi
Last update 06/mar/2008