RLW 12678. - Studies on the course of the Arno downstream of Florence, between "Sardigna" and Peretola, c. 1503. Transcription: "1000 / Sardigna / Porta al Prato / f. Mugnone / Ponte alle Mosse / f. Rifredi / N / M / House of Ser Amanzo / Peretola / S. Island 1600 bracci long and 700 wide, and the water that separates it from Legnaia is 2300 bracci long. Here the width of the sandbank with the 2 widths of the Arno's branches is 1300 bracci. The island M staiora 825, which at 10 florins per staio equals 8250 florins, and the same can be said of island N. From S to the Pesscaia d'Ogni Santi 5000 bracci, that is, a mile and 2/3. If 3 small channels were made, extending from S to the lower bend of the Arno, the river would run so fast that it would abandon ...".
© Alessandro Vezzosi
Last update 26/feb/2008