RLW 19076v. - "This old man, a few hours before his death, told me that he had lived one hundred years and that he was conscious of no bodily failure other than great weakness. And thus sitting on a bed in the hospital of S. Maria Nuova, without any movement or sign of distress, he passed from this life. And I made an anatomy to see the cause of a such a gentle death; which I found to have been caused by weakness through failure of the blood and the artery that feeds the heart and lower members, which I found to be very dry and shrunk and withered. I described this anatomy very diligently and with great ease, due to the lack of fat or humours, which greatly hinder recognition of the parts. The other anatomy was on a two-year-old child, in which I found everything exactly the opposite that of the old man"
© Alessandro Vezzosi
Last update 26/feb/2008