Drawings, paintings and sculpture

Drawings, paintings and sculpture

The authentic autograph works of Leonardo visible in Tuscany are almost all concentrated in the Gallerie degli Uffizi in Florence and they all date from the years of his youth. These were the years of his collaboration with Verrocchio. Unfortunately in Florence there are no autograph manuscripts by Leonardo . Furthermore, the possible collocation of cartoons recorded in the sources, such as those for the Saint Anne at Santissima Annunziata and for the Battle of Anghiari, is unknown.

  • In the new suggestive Room 35 of the Uffizi Gallery, dedicated to Leonardo, there are three famous works: the Annunciation, the Baptism and the Adoration of the Magi, last work of his first Florentine period. In the Uffizi's Cabinet of Drawings and Prints, several drawings and sketches by Leonardo are found (visible only with special permission or on the occasion of exhibitions); other drawings are attributable either to the Florentine Leonardesque school or to the Milanese circle.

  • Works of the circle and of Leonardo's workshop and school are found in the Galleria Palatina at the Palazzo Pitti, in the Museo Horne, in Palazzo Vecchio and in the Museo del Bigallo. In other Florentine museums, palaces and churches are works of fundamental importance for reconstructing the artistic and cultural context of Leonardo's time. In the Museo Nazionale del Bargello, for instance, are displayed works by Verrocchio in which the participation of Leonardo, or an iconography of his, has been suggested. Works of applied art with documentary or iconographical references to Leonardo are found in the Tesoro dei Granduchi (former Museo degli Argenti) and in the Museo Stibbert.

  • Nephew of Leonardo da Vinci, Pierino da Vinci was a sculptor who drew inspiration especially from Michelangelo. You can see some of his works in Pisa and especially in Florence, preserved in numerous museums and gardens. Several sculptures by Pierino have long been referred to Buonarroti himself. Some of his works are in Pisa but most are in Florence, preserved in numerous museums and gardens. Several sculptures by Pierino have long been attributed to Buonarroti himself.

  • An original Florentine itinerary that presents the most immediate iconographic precedents to the Last Supper painted by Leonardo, is the one that unfolds along the city's fifteenth-century Last Suppers, such as those of Andrea del Castagno (Santa Apollonia), Perugino (Fuligno), Domenico Ghirlandaio (San Marco and Ognissanti), and Andrea del Sarto (San Salvi).
