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Catalogue > Virtual Visit Room III
III.37 Clinometer
Maker: unknown
Date:16th cent.
Materials:gilt brass, iron
Dimensions:length 760 mm, max. height 255 mm
Current inventory:148

Clinometer consisting of a long iron bar, fitted with sights at both ends, maintained in a horizontal position by a large weight placed on the lower half of the instrument. On the upper half are two opposing triangles. One side of each triangle carried finely engraved dolphins; the other two sides carried horizontal and vertical graduated slits for lodging holders for movable sights (now missing). The brass parts are finely worked.

Antonio Santucci, in his Trattato di diversi strumenti matematici [Treatise of various mathematical instruments] (a manuscript datable to 1593), illustrates the uses of the instrument, which included the measurement of heights and distances as well as leveling. Provenance: Medici collections.




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