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Catalogue > Virtual Visit Room XV
XV.8 Air pump, twin barrels, table-top model
Maker:William Cary
Date:early 19th cent.
Materials:mahogany, brass, glass
Dimensions:total height 1705 mm, base 560x330 mm
Current inventory:1536

This pump, made by William Cary, is mounted on a wooden baseboard and fitted with two brass barrels whose pistons carry racks and are operated by means of a crank-and-pinion mechanism. A pair of small brass pillars supports the wooden pediment housing the mechanism. The bell-jar rests on a plate: the flow of air between the bell-jar and the barrels is controlled by a tap at the base of the barrels. Next to the bell-jar plate is a smaller plate that was used to evacuate an upright glass cylinder. This typical English portable air pump had evolved by c. 1760.





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