This terracotta model, commissioned by surgeon and obstetrician Giuseppe Galletti, shows the uterus that has increased in volume and thickness. Inside is a fully-formed fetus: its limbs are already divided into their three segments, arm-forearm-hand and thigh-leg-foot; the fingers and toes are outlined, as are the genital organs. The wall of the chorial sac containing the fetus is smooth. The structure of the placenta is described, but its position is higher than normal. Here (as in items XVIII.10 - XVIII.11 - XVIII.12 - XVIII.13), we can observe the typical or normal attitudes of the fetus inside the uterus, such as head bent forward, lower joints flexed, arms folded on chest or lodged in the crook between head and thorax. Thanks to this crouching position, recognizable from the start of fetal development, the fetus acquires a near-oval shape and occupies about half the length that it would in an extended position.