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The term "compass" or "compasses" denotes a wide range of instruments for drawing, measurement, and proportional calculation. Besides the more common compasses for drawing circumferences, widespread since antiquity, the Renaissance has left us a great number of special compasses, whose names reflect their specific functions: oval compasses to draw ellipses, hyperbolas and parabolas; two-point compasses—also called dividers—to divide lines and transfer measurements; nautical compasses, to track routes on sea-charts; compasses with curved points, called gunner's compasses, to measure mouths of cannons, cannon balls, and columns; three-legged compasses to reproduce maps; four-point compasses, or reduction compasses, to enlarge or reduce drawings, divide lines and circumferences proportionally, and draw polygons; eight-point compasses to measure fractions of degrees and carry out proportional calculations; proportional compasses to perform arithmetic, geometric, and trigonometric calculations and to measure weights, gradients, and distances for military use; and sophisticated surveying compasses that combined a magnetic compass, a windrose, and optical sights for surveying and for drawing topographic maps.

Drawing compass (Inv. 3684) Proportional compasses (Inv. 3685) Proportional compasses (Inv. 650) Single-handed dividers (Inv. 1478)
Single-handed dividers (Inv. 1479) Single-handed dividers (Inv. 671) Dividers (Inv. 1486/bis) Dividers (Inv. 634)
Reduction compass (Inv. 655) Reduction compass (Inv. 633) Reduction compass (Inv. 3686) Compass known as Michelangelo's compass (Inv. 1357)
Military compass (Inv. 1277) Surveying compass (Inv. 3687) Surveying compass (Inv. 1471) Surveying compass (Inv. 1280)
Three-legged compass (Inv. 1480) Military compass (Inv. 3692) Caliper compass (Inv. 3693) Caliper compass (Inv. 652, 3706)
Dividers (Inv. 1000) Proportional and surveying compasses (Inv. 2510) Proportional compasses (Inv. 2512) Nautical compass (Inv. 600)
Nautical compass (Inv. 599) Surveying compass (Inv. 2527) Barrois compass (Inv. 656) Proportional compasses (Inv. 3647)
Proportional compasses (Inv. 3676) Plumb level (gunner's level) and proportional compasses (Inv. 3695) Four-point proportional compasses (Inv. 3567) Geometric and military compass (Inv. 3540)
Proportional compasses (Dep. GN, Roma) Dividers (Inv. 2515) Reduction compass (Inv. 688) Geometric and military compass (Inv. 2430)
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