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Room IX. Accademia del Cimento << previous room | next room >>  
Room IX presentation
videoVideo Presentation: Room IX
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This room presents the instruments and experimental apparatuses of the Accademia del Cimento. One of the Academy's most important and intensive research programs was in thermometry, a discipline whose development was powerfully stimulated by Torricelli's experiment of 1644. The display cases contain several dozen thermometers. They are among the first ever built, and bear witness to the ingeniousness of consummate craftsmen. These instruments were made in the workshop set up in the Boboli Gardens, where glassblowers produced objects for the Palazzo Pitti and the experiments of the Accademia del Cimento. The Academy also made important contributions to astronomy, the measurement of the speed of sound, and the determination of changes of state in physics. The Academy's findings were partly published in Saggi di naturali esperienze [Examples of natural experiments], edited by its secretary, Lorenzo Magalotti.

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Explore Room IX
Pedometer (Inv. 3384) Quadrant (Inv. 2544, 3187) Condensation hygrometer (Inv. 276, 2443) Tall-stem thermometers (Inv. 282, 283, 2447, 2448)
Tall-stem thermometers (Inv.16-18, 20, 21, ...) Spiral thermometers (Inv. 193, 194/a, 194/b) Cluster thermometer (Inv. 196) Cluster thermometer (Inv. 190)
Thermometer phials (Inv. 73-77) Phial thermometer (Inv. 184) "Frog" thermometer (Inv. 2449, 2450) Phial thermometer (Inv. 78)
Fifty-degree thermometer with colored liquid (Inv. 102) Fifty-degree thermometer (Inv. 173) Thirty-degree thermometer (Inv. 216) Fifty-degree thermometers (Inv. 85)
Fifty-degree thermometers (Inv. 79) Fifty-degree thermometers (Inv. 31, 35-39, ...) Hundred-degree thermometer (Inv. 172) Sixty-degree thermometers (Inv. 66, 67)
Fifteen- and twenty-degree thermometers (Inv. 179, 182) Thirty-degree thermometer (Inv. 70) Hundred- and eighty-degrees thermometers (Inv. 175, 176) Box with thermometers (Inv. 195, 2450)
Hydrometer (Inv. 3740) Sphere hydrometers (Inv. 218-225, 227-236) Stem hydrometer (Inv. 191) Stem hydrometer (Inv. 185)
Stem hydrometer (Inv. 214) Stem hydrometer (Inv. 187) Stem hydrometer (Inv. 217) Hydrometer with thermometer (Inv. 213)
Stem hydrometer (Inv. 178) Stem hydrometer (Inv. 188) Stem hydrometer (Inv. 3741) Stem hydrometer (Inv. 180)
Stem hydrometer (Inv. 3742) Spheres for hydrometers (Inv. 721) Hygrometer glasses (Inv. 99, 100) Sphere for hydrometer (Inv. 3738)
Sphere for hydrometer (Inv. 3739) Phial (Inv. 3737) Barometer tube (Inv. 114) Phials (Inv. 199-209)
Wine-testing flasks (Inv. 107, 108) Thermoscope (Inv. 3743) Small hydrostatic balance (Inv. 27) Spheres for testing the non-compressibility of fluids (Inv. 1266-1269, 2644-2647)
Chalice with fins (Inv. 341/38) Vases with handles (Inv. 316, 317) Chalice with handles (Inv. 280) Small cup (Inv. 80)
Communicating vases (Inv. 186) Phial (Inv. 3800) Stem (Inv. 87) Centerpiece (Inv. 302)
"Serpent" chalice (Inv. 341/33) Tall-stem chalice (Inv. 318) Cups with "blobs" (Inv. 266, 267) Vase (Inv. 341/36)
Conical glass (Inv. 309) Conical glass (Inv. 320) Cylindrical vase (Inv. 304) Chalice (Inv. 315)
Bottle (Inv. 3804) Cylindrical vase (Inv. 252) Stand (Inv. 3802) Cup (Inv. 268)
Chalices (Inv. 104, 105) Double-handle vases (Inv. 330) Vases with spouts (Inv. 257, 275) Glass with handles (Inv. 258)
Double handle vase (Inv. 279) Conical glass (Inv. 310) "Capriccio" glass (Inv. 341/i) Centerpiece (Inv. 86)
Crab-shaped "capriccio" glass (Inv. 103) Fountain (Inv. 88) Conical glass (Inv. 3803) Cups joined by a stem (Inv. 3805)
Double-handle vase (Inv. 341/34) Flute chalice (Inv. 262) Fountain on stand (Inv. 802) Plates (Inv.286, 287, 289, 290, ...)
Plates (Inv. 285, 294, 295, 297) Display plate (Inv. 291) Bowls (Inv. 2068-2071) Vases (Inv. 2064, 2065)
Bottle (Inv. 2067) Decorated chalice (Inv. 3801) Portrait of Ferdinand II de' Medici (Inv. 3806)        
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