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From "Modern Geometry" to the "New Italian Geometry"

1 April 2006
The book "Dalla 'moderna geometria' alla 'nuova geometria italiana': Viaggiando per Napoli, Torino e dintorni" (From 'Modern Geometry' to the 'New Italian Geometry': Travelling through Naples, Turin and Environs) is edited by Franco and Nicla Palladino. The book collects the letters sent to Federico Amodeo (1859-1946) - mathematician and mathematics historian - by Sannia, Segre, Peano, Castelnuovo, D'Ovidio, Del Pezzo, Fano, Pieri, Pascal, Cremona, Hurwitz, Bertini, Burkhardt and some other minor authors. Scholarly and explanatory notes accompany the letters forming a kind of "biological nervous system" that tends to shape the writings into an organic and living system. The contents of the book (published as part of the series "Archivio della corrispondenza degli scienziati italiani") mainly deal with such topics as the passage from projective geometry to algebraic geometry, principles of geometry, Peano's symbolic logic, and the coeval scientific debate.



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