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Archive material of the 1st National Exhibition of the History of Science (Florence, 1929)

1 January 2009
31 December 2009
In the past few months the cataloguing of the archive material related to the 1st National Exhibition of the History of Science was completed. The Exhibition, which was displayed in the rooms of the Palazzo delle esposizioni and in the pavilions of San Gallo's parterre in Piazza Cavour (presently Piazza della Libertą), was inaugurated on May 8th, 1929. It ran for about six months, it attracted a great number of visitors and was praised by both specialists and the general public.
Promoted since 1927 and organized in the following two years by the newly founded Istituto di Storia delle Scienze (currently known as IMSS), the Exhibition displayed a significant part of the Italian historical-scientific heritage, highlighting its importance, its diffusion throughout the region and its precarious state of preservation. The archive material (28 folders and 7 files) only represents a very small part of what the Organizing Committee and Secretariat of the Exhibition produced. While the documents related to the organization (circulars, forms, ceremonies) are lacking, other resources are more consistent, such as the press review, the preparatory materials for the Great Catalogue, never published, and the 1952 catalogue (see: 1. Esposizione nazionale di storia delle scienze, Firenze, maggio-ottobre 1929 : catalogo con aggiornamenti, 1952 / [edited by] Istituto e Museo di storia delle scienze, Firenze. Firenze : L.S. Olschki, 1952). A set of more than 300 photographs testifies to the halls and the most important objects on display. Other materials can be found in two Florentine archives - the Archivio di Stato and the Archivio storio del Comune - as well as in the Archivio centrale dello Stato in Rome.



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