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  • Parco del Neto, Calenzano.zoom in altra finestra
  • Tritons' Canal, Parco del Neto, Calenzano.zoom in altra finestra

Parco del Neto ["del Neto" Park]

Even in a strongly urbanised area like Calenzano and Sesto Fiorentino, one can still find an oasis of great botanical interest. This is the Parco del Neto, on the lower slopes of Monte Morello, which has maintained intact several aspects that characterised the entire plane in the past: a wetland, testimony of a more ancient lacustrine basin that functioned as a natural escape valve during the floods of the Arno.

By initiative of the marquis Ilario de Boissy, the marshland of the area was transformed, around the mid 19th century, into a romantic garden connected to his noble villa by means of an underpass. In the framework of this reorganisation, artificial lakes were created, and are still visible, which were supplied by two resurgences of the water table. To reforest the area, numerous tree varieties were planted, including lindens, planes, common alder and horse chestnut. The early 20th century instead marked the introduction of the rarer Taxodium distichum, known as the "bald swamp cypress", recognisable for the characteristic "pneumataphores" (respiratory roots) at its feet. An also abundant small fauna (dormouse, pied woodpecker, great tit, hedgehog, shrewmouse, etc.) finds an ideal habitat in this park.

Today, the Parco del Neto is property of the Communes of Calenzano and Sesto Fiorentino.


Texts by Elena Fani

English translation by Victor Beard

Last update 13/feb/2008