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Life at Sea: Service Record, 1401-1405 (p. 90-2b)

Life at Sea: Service Record, 1401-1405 (p. 090-2b)

This is the first page of Michael's service record, listing his voyages and officers from 1401 to 1405. Michael signed on as homo da remo, or oarsman, in 1401. Two years later, serving under Captain of the Fleet Carlo Zeno, he participated in his first major naval operation, which ended in a bloody sea battle off the southwest coast of Greece. In 1404, Michael served as oarsman on a commercial voyage to Flanders, alternating military and commercial voyages in a way that would become typical of his career. In 1405, his skills as a mariner were recognized for the first time when he was promoted from oarsman to one of the eight nochieri responsible for sailing and steering a galley.

See enlargement:

+ Ihesus + Al nomen di Dio. Qui de sotto scriverò mi Michalli da Ruodo el tenpo veny in Veniexia. Zò fu 1401 adì 5 zugno. E primo m'achordiè in Manfredonya per homo da remo chon el nobille homo miser Piero Loredan fu de miser Alvixe Loredan, siando chapetagno l'egregio miser Andrea Benbo, in la varda, el mio chomitto ser Michiel Russo e paron zurado ser Antuonyo Rizo. M'achordiè per homo da remo del 1402 in la varda chon el nobile homo mi- ser Marcho Grimani, siando in la varda chapetagno l'egregio mi- ser Marin Charavelo, el mio chomitto ser Michiel di Verisielli, el mio paron ser Zorzi Giallinà de Chandia. M'achordiè per homo da remo del 1403 in la varda chon el no- bile homo miser Andrea da Molin, siando chapetagno l'egregio meser Charlo Zen, el mio chomitto ser Nicholetto Testa, el mio paron ser Manolli Filaretto. Fu al tenpo che ronpessemo a Modon el Pozichardo. M'achordiè per homo da remo del 1404 in lo viazio de Fiandria chon el no- bille homo miser Marcho Chorer, siando chapetagno l'egregio miser Fantin Michiel, el mio chomitto ser Alvixe de Boninsegna, el mio paron ser Boldisera Rocho. M'achordiè per proder del 1405 in lo viazio de la varda chon el nobile homo miser Piero Miany, siando chapetagno l'egregio miser Marin Charavello, el mio chomitto ser Michiel di Verissieli, el mio paron ser Cristofallo Mezany, et in questo fu levado nochiero forsi per la mittà del viazio, e questa fu la prima honor che avy.

In the name of God. I, Michael of Rhodes, shall write below of the time I came to Venice. It was in 1401 on June 5. First, I signed on in Manfredonia as a homo da remo with the nobleman Piero Loredan, son of the late Alvixe Loredan, the capitano being the distinguished Andrea Benbo, in the Guard, my comito Michiel Russo and as paron zurado Antuonyo Rizo. I signed on as homo da remo in 1402 in the Guard with the noble man Marcho Grimani, the capitano being the distinguished Marin Charavelo, in the Guard, my comito Michiel di Verisielli, my paron Zorzi Giallina of Candia. I signed on as homo da remo in 1403 in the Guard with the noble- man Andrea da Molin, the capitano being the distinguished Charlo Zen, my comito Nicholetto Testa, my paron Manolli Filaretto. It was at this time that we broke Boucicault at Modone. I signed on as homo da remo in 1404 on the voyage to Flanders, with the noble- man Marcho Chorer, capitano being the distinguished Fantin Michiel, my comito Alvixe de Boninsegna, my paron Boldisera Rocho. I signed on as proder in 1405 on the voyage of the Guard with the noble- man Piero Miany, capitano being the distinguished Marin Charavello, my comito Michiel di Verissieli, my paron Cristofallo Mezany. And in this voyage I was promoted to nochiero in about the middle of the voyage, and this was the first honor that I received.