Date of birth:
Date of death:
ca. 1597
Diego de Zuñiga
We have found the following concerning him: "Salmaticensis natu, Didaci de Zuñiga, domini de Cisla et Flores Davila, filius, ordinem Eremitarum delegit, in quo Deo sibique ac literis vacaret". He was the author of biblical exegeses and of a treatise entitled De vera religione in omnes sui temporis haereticos, and the copy of it presently owned by the National Library of Florence once belonged to the Dominican Niccolò Lorini, who inscribed his name in it, along with the notation that he had given a public lecture on it.
The Works of Galileo Galilei, national edition edited by Antonio Favaro, Florence, Barbèra, 1899-1909, vol. XX, Biographical Index, to v.
Last update 19/gen/2008