Centro di Documentazione della Battaglia di Anghiari [Battle of Anghiari Documentation Centre]
Situated in the Palazzo del Marzocco, the Centre illustrates the Battle of Anghiari (1440), made famous by the fresco, now lost, that the Florentines commissioned Leonardo da Vinci to paint in commemoration of their victory. The Commune of Anghiari has designed a special permanent exhibition area to display a replica on canvas of Leonardo's work, commissioned of Vittoria Chierici, along with a relief model and a number of multimedia posts for the virtual reconstruction of the battle. Leonardo's fresco is also documented by anastatic copies of his drawings, as well as a series of wedding chests dating from the third quarter of the 15th century.
Sections dedicated to the weapons used in the Battle of Anghiari, to military engineering and to local history are now being set up.

Texts by Graziano Magrini
English translation by Catherine Frost
Last update 22/feb/2008