Centro Universitario per la Tutela e la Valorizzazione dell'Antico Patrimonio Scientifico Senese [University Centre for Safeguarding and Promoting Siena's Ancient Scientific Heritage]
In 1988 the University of Siena and the Region of Tuscany launched a project for safeguarding Siena's historical and scientific heritage, which led to the establishing, in 1994, of the Centro Universitario per la Tutela e Valorizzazione dell'Antico Patrimonio Scientifico Senese (centre for safeguarding and promoting Siena's ancient scientific heritage) (CUTVAP). Its objectives are those of collecting the historical-scientific heritage in a single well-organised repertory, of appropriately arranging the more than 5,000 pieces and exhibiting to the public significant selections of these objects in rotation. The CUTVAP is also dedicated to promoting scientific research in the field of historical instrumentation, with special attention to the medical field. It has also been designated by the Region of Tuscany Department of Public Health and Medical Policies a reference point for scientific consultation to the public health departments called upon to register and safeguard their own historical heritage.
At present the Centre possesses two remarkable collections. The first is that of medical instrumentation (about 5,600 pieces from the 17th to the 20th century), which includes instruments pertinent to various disciplines, many of them coming from the various Departments of the University of Siena (instruments used in psychology, ophthalmology, anaesthesiology, odontoiatry, physiology, etc.), 18th-19th century apparatus and surgical instruments from the former Hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, apparatus and instruments coming from the Local Health Departments and from private donations. The second collection is that of scientific glassware (around 1,160 pieces from the 19th and 20th centuries), which is made up of objects acquired by donations from some of the Institutes in the University of Siena and from ARPAT (Regional Agency for the Environmental Protection of Tuscany).
The Centre also has a well-furnished Library, with vintage catalogues of manufacturers and suppliers, museum catalogues pertinent to scientific instruments, and miscellaneous documentation on university departments and institutes that have donated their collections to CUTVAP.

Texts by Anna Toscano
English translation by Catherine Frost
Last update 26/feb/2008