Ecomuseo del Casentino - Centro di Documentazione della Cultura Rurale del Casentino [Casentino Ecomuseum - Rural Culture in Casentino Documentation Centre]
Founded in 1996, the Centro di Documentazione della Cultura Rurale del Casentino (CDCR) forms part of the Agricultural-Pasturage System of the Casentino Ecological Museum. It is located in the little Watchtower of the ancient Borgo di Castel Focognano, the only remains of the eleventh-century castle, destroyed by Bishop Tarlati in 1322.
The Centre has collected material evidence of the activities of the Casentine population along with consistent documentation on the local traditions, beliefs, habits and customs. The collection is made up of various sections linked to specific to the agricultural-forestry-pasturage culture of the Casentino territory: work in the woods and on the land, pasturage, and wool-processing. The objects are displayed without barriers, allowing visitors to interact with them. Most of the tools were collected, in the two years prior to the opening of the museum, from private individuals in the area, and were then restored.

Texts by Stefania Mangia
English translation by Catherine Frost
Last update 28/feb/2008