Etruscan Ironworking Furnaces
For its rarity, the archaic-Etruscan settlement of Rondelli is an interesting example of an ancient industrial centre. Along with the remains of various structures (remains of shelters, a vat for kneading clay, etc.), it has also yielded a series of 21 furnaces organised in batteries, of which only the circular, clay-lined cavities remain, about 80 centimetres wide and about 40 centimetres deep. The best-preserved furnaces are today protected by a glass structure; the archaeological remains of the residential area of Rondelli and of the outlying Etruscan centres are planned to be preserved in a new Archaeological Museum of Follonica, which will be created in Foundry Number Two of the former ILVA iron and steel complex. Principally planned to collect the objects tied to ancient metallurgical processes, the Archaeological Museum is meant to flank and integrate the already existing Museum of Iron and Cast Iron.

Texts by Elena Fani
English translation by Victor Beard
Last update 12/mar/2008