Farmacia Franchi [Franchi Pharmacy]
The pharmacy is located on the ground floor of a building on the corner of Via dei Ginori and Via Guelfa, known as "Canto alla Macine". An inscription in gold letters against a black background, above the door leading to the back room, recalls the pharmacy's old name and the year of its foundation: "Ancient Pharmacy at Canto alla Macine founded in the year 1427". The furnishings, presumably from the early 20th century, consist of a set of shelves and cabinets with double glass doors, made of natural wood, running along three walls, and a counter whose front is decorated with pilaster strips. Above the door to the present-day perfumery appears the indication "Management".

Texts by Francesco Boccanera, Anna Vittoria Laghi
English translation by Catherine Frost
Last update 27/feb/2008