Farmacia Piccioli [Piccioli Pharmacy]
Founded in 1892 by Dr. Ezio Piccioli, the pharmacy still occupies its original premises, in a fifteenth-century building with a broad portico. Dating from the time of its foundation are the furnishings and the antique pharmaceutical equipment. In 1988 the pharmacy was enlarged and remodelled, with some modern pieces added to the old furnishings. Of the latter, there remain the sales counter with shelves behind it, a desk, two display cases, some white porcelain Ginori jars, bronze mortars and other objects.
Cascina, Corso Matteotti 78-80
Geographic coordinates:
43.6764 - 10.5491
Historic-scientific interest:

Texts by Francesco Boccanera, Anna Vittoria Laghi
English translation by Catherine Frost
Last update 12/feb/2008