Farmacia Santo Spirito [Santo Spirito Pharmacy]
Founded in 1908 by Signora Gilda Bacci, the pharmacy was located on the ground floor of the fifteenth-century Palazzo Dati, a site it still occupies today. It has retained its original furnishings consisting of glass-fronted shelves, enamelled white and gold with columns, capitals and corbels joined at the top by a frame bordered in gold. In 1956 the counter, originally at the centre of the room, was moved to the right and a new cabinet in antique style was built.
Firenze, Piazza Santo Spirito 12
Geographic coordinates:
43.7663 - 11.2469
Historic-scientific interest:

Texts by Francesco Boccanera, Anna Vittoria Laghi
English translation by Catherine Frost
Last update 04/feb/2008