Farmacia Serafini di Carrara [Serafini Pharmacy of Carrara]
The pharmacy, founded in 1827 on the ground floor of historic Palazzo Orlandi and bought by Dr. Luigi Serafini in 1936, is located in one of the oldest streets in the city. It still has its original furnishings (continuous natural wood shelves with glass-fronted cabinets, smooth columns and capitals covered with gold-leaf decoration), which run along three walls of the sales area. The back door is enriched by relief decoration representing pharmacists' symbols.
Also dating from the time of the Orlandi family is the pharmceutical equipment, which includes a small set of ceramic albarellos and a limited number of transparent glass bottles with caps and labels. The recent restoration of the sales area, carried out in respect for the original shelves, has brought to light two marble columns that had previously been concealed.

Texts by Antonella Gozzoli
English translation by Catherine Frost
Last update 11/feb/2008