Farmacia Zampetti [Zampetti Pharmacy]
The pharmacy was founded nel 1905 on the ground floor of the eighteenth-century Palazzo Zampetti-Dosi by Cavalier Ernesto Zampetti, who decided to transfer his own pharmacy from Filattiera to Pontremoli. Since then the pharmacy has never changed its location and has kept intact the internal furnishings of its six rooms, as well as the sign outside. The sales area is furnished with continuous shelves made of white wood with pilasters, a frame decorated with seashell motifs, a gilded radiant sun, and small urn-shaped jars. The counters and shelves in the back room are also original, as is the wealth of pharmaceutical equipment, including glass and ceramic jars, instruments for processing medicinal herbs and laboratory utensils. Abundant documentation on the history of pharmacopeia is found in the antique library occupying the pharmacy's back room.

Texts by Francesco Boccanera, Anna Vittoria Laghi
English translation by Catherine Frost
Last update 21/feb/2008