Medici Villa of Montevettolini
Standing on the hill of Montevettolini, on the slopes of Montalbano, the villa was situated within the territory of the "Barco Reale" hunting reserve. It served as a place of sojourn during the hunting season and also as an important centre of agricultural administration of the Medicean estates in the Valdinievole, including the Padule di Fucecchio.
Built in the late 16th century by the architect Gherardo Mechini for Ferdinand I de' Medici, the villa was continually enlarged up to the beginning of the 17th century. The new building incorporated existing structures, consisting of the stronghold and a section of the wall of the town's defensive system. The result was an imposing building of rather irregular floor plan, resembling a fortress. The main façade, distinguished by four polygonal sentry-boxes with narrow loopholes, opened onto a park-like plaza.
In 1650 Grand Duke Ferdinand II de' Medici ordered the sale of two-thirds of the property on this side of Montalbano, including the villa, which was bought by the Bartolommei family. In 1871 the villa was sold to the Borghese family, which still owns it today.

Texts by Graziano Magrini
English translation by Catherine Frost
Last update 08/gen/2008