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  • Olive mill press dating from 1444, rebuilt in 1888, Permanent Exhibition of Rural Life, Montefoscoli, Palaia.zoom in altra finestra
  • Entrance to the Permanent Exhibition of Rural Life, Montefoscoli, Palaia.zoom in altra finestra

Mostra permanente della Civiltà Contadina [Peasant Civilisation Permanent Exhibition]

Founded in 1996, the Museum of Peasant Civilisation is housed in a villa that had belonged since 1508 to the Vaccà Berlinghieri family, members of the Pisan nobility, and was later converted into a farmhouse and renamed Palazzetto Filippeschi. The museum is managed by volunteers from the Comitato di Promozione Culturale di Montefoscoli – ONLUS [Montefoscoli Cultural Promotion Committee].

The museum's collection consists of implements and machinery for cultivating the fields, producing wine and olive oil, conserving seeds, for craftsmanship and for laundry work. The objects are displayed in basement or semi-basement rooms, on various levels, that had previously been used as wine-cellar, olive mill and granary. Especially interesting is an open tun built of masonry dating from 1789, a vitrified tun from 1886 and an olive-press dating from 1444, rebuilt in 1888.


Texts by Francesco Marchetti

English translation by Catherine Frost

Last update 16/gen/2008