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  • Villa Paolina, seat of the Municipal Museums, Viareggio.zoom in altra finestra
  • Villa Paolina, seat of the Municipal Museums, Viareggio.zoom in altra finestra

Musei Civici di Villa Paolina [Villa Paolina Civic Museums]

The Musei Civici of Villa Paolina are divided into three sections: one dedicated to contemporary art (displaying the works of Lorenzo Viani and such twentieth-century masters as De Chirico and Carrà), one to music (presenting the musical instruments collected by Giovanni Ciuffreda during his voyages all over the world) and the third to archaeology. The latter serves to document, through findings, explanatory panels, dioramas and reconstructed settings, the various forms of life in north-western Tuscany from the Palaeolithic Age to Etruscan times.

Particularly interesting is the villa that houses the Museum, built for Paolina Bonaparte Borghese around 1820 to the project of Giovanni Lazzarini.


Texts by Graziano Magrini

English translation by Catherine Frost

Last update 08/gen/2008