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  • Morone mine, Castell'Azzara (GR).zoom in altra finestra
  • Siele mine, metallurgical plant, Piancastagnaio (SI).zoom in altra finestra

Museo delle Miniere - Parco Minerario del Monte Amiata [Mine Museum - Mount Amiata Mining Park]

The Museo delle Miniere of Santa Fiora is part of the Parco Minerario del Monte Amiata. Opened in 2002 in Palazzo Sforza Cesarini, it illustrates various aspects tied to the territory’s mercury mines, such as the techniques of prospecting and extraction, the tools used in the mines, the reconstruction of a tract of tunnel and the use of mercury in the course of time. It also presents aspects of a social nature, such as the health problems of workers and those tied to the mines closing.


Texts by Graziano Magrini

English translation by Victor Beard

Last update 05/mar/2008