Museo della Vite e del Vino di Carmignano [Carmignano Museum of Grapes and Wine]
The Museum was founded thanks to the activity of the Associazione Pro Loco di Carmignano [Carmignano Tourist Association], which since 1992 has dedicated itself to establishing an exhibition itinerary that would document the history of wine production and the culture of the people of the Carmignano territory. The museum institution was founded in 1999. It displays, in addition to implements and tools for producing the typical vine of the Carmignano territory, a collection of around 1,000 bottles of wine, donated by relatives of the historian of economics Federigo Melis (1914-1973). The Museum, which promotes initiatives of vocational training and wine tourism, bears witness to the ancient history of the culture of wine and grapes in the Carmignano territory. One of the earliest documents on wine production in this zone dates from the year 804 A.D., in the midst of the Frankish period. Other information is provided by the fourteenth-century letters sent by Ser Lapo Mazzei to the Prato merchant Francesco di Marco Datini. Today's wine production originated in the work of promotion and improvement begun by the Medicean Grand Dukes and culminating in 1716 with the decree of Cosimo III, which established the first denomination of origin and its regulations for the Carmignano wine production.

Texts by Gabriele Pratesi
English translation by Catherine Frost
Last update 28/gen/2008