Palazzo Budini Gattai Garden
Adjoining the palazzo built towards the mid 16th century on a project by Giuliano di Baccio d’Agnolo and finished by Bartolomeo Ammannati, the garden was famed for the many statues that adorned it, either purchased or commissioned by the nobleman Ugolino Grifoni, Master General of the San Giacomo Hospital in Altopascio, and secretary to Cosimo I de’ Medici. Particularly famous was the monumental fountain decorated with statues of Jason, Venus and two sea monsters, attributed to Giovanni Bandini, known as dell’Opera. Originally in the Italian style, the garden was expanded in the 18th century and modified at the end of the 19th, when the curvilinear flower-beds were laid out. In 1892, it was equipped with an iron and glass greenhouse. The garden is embellished by a banana grove and a unique monument dedicated to a century-old specimen of Laurus camphora, which dried in the winter of 1908. Particularly interesting are the collections of camellias and azaleas which, still today, fill the garden with colour in spring.

Texts by Graziano Magrini
English translation by Victor Beard
Last update 04/apr/2008