Parco Museo della Peschiera ["Peschiera" Museum Park]
Northeast of the little village of Santa Fiora, near the oratory of Madonna delle Nevi, a large basin (the "peschiera" or fishpond) collects the waters from the age-old springs of the Fiora River. Following a period of abandonment, the fishpond and park, which both date to the Renaissance period, were restored in 1851 by Lorenzo Sforza. The fishpond is surrounded by a wall of rusticated trachyte, and in the centre has two dolphins, their fins intertwined, and a trident. The park-museum adjoining the fishpond is home to many species of high-trunk trees (holm-oak, cypress, linden, chestnut, and magnolia).

Texts by Graziano Magrini
English translation by Victor Beard
Last update 10/set/2008