Piccolo Museo del Chianti [Little Museum of Chianti]
This little Museum was founded in 1979 at the initiative of Sergio Manetti, owner of the agricultural estate of Monte Vertine and former metallurgical industrialist. It contains objects from domestic life and agricultural and craftsmen's production in the rural world of Chianti, organised according to their usage. Among the objects displayed, the visitor's attention is drawn to the trunk of a grapevine that grew over 400 years ago. The display, of the collecters' type, aims to give an idea of peasant life prior to the exodus from the countryside.
Radda in Chianti, loc. Montevertine, Fattoria di Montevertine
Geographic coordinates:
43.5004 - 11.3899
Historic-scientific interest:

Texts by Antonella Gozzoli
English translation by Catherine Frost
Last update 26/feb/2008