Villa Montalto
Surrounded by centuries-old trees, including a Laurus Camphorae dating to the 17th century, and an Italian garden, externally the villa conserves its seventeenth/eighteenth-century decoration. The marble sundial on the facade with hour lines (astronomical hours) was made in 1844 by F. Cesari. The interior was instead influenced by the taste of the last owners, in particular count Hochberg to whom we owe the late nineteenth-century neo-Rococo stuccos, and Neapolitan bibliophile Tammaro de Marinis who attempted to adapt the furnishings and decorations to the Florentine trends of the period. The curiosities of a scientific nature include a circular lift from the 1920s, a little technical jewel of the period.
Texts by Elena Fani
English translation by Victor Beard
Last update 15/gen/2008