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Navigation: Entering Three Atlantic Ports (p. 125b)

Navigation: Entering Three Atlantic Ports (p. 125b)

Portolans for navigation often contained invaluable local knowledge. Here, Michael describes the way to enter three Atlantic ports on the route to Flanders. The text reveals different elements Michael used to find his way safely, including compass directions, winds, tides, currents, and local landmarks.

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+ Ihesus + Per saver intrar in Sentuzi sapi quando la Luna ostro e tramontana, piena mar. E quando vui ser[e]tti per andar dentro, vuy vederì in- tro ponente e maistro in tera un boscho. E metitte andar ala via de quel boscho tuta volta alargo dela tera, da man sinestra al'intrar ballestrade 2 e più. E metite a mente ala tera de Sentuzi vedirì chanpagnelli 3, e vui andarì per la via de quel boscho in- china el chanpagnel pizollo. Vui deschoverzerì che serà el quarto. Romagna quel pizolo chon lo terzo, può va segundando e metti la proda in un boscho, in una spiazia, apreso in un mullin inchina el chanpagnel primo da garbin. Tu metti in una punta biancha, zoè del'ixulla dever man destra, e vande arditamente con raxion d'aqua. In Fiandria Per intrar al porto del'Eschioza, zoè de Fiandria, vuy andarì de chon- tinuo quarta de ponente al maistro inchina tu metti el chanpa- gnel de Sancta Chatarina chon un chanpagnel muzo. Tu lo vede- rà dela parte dever la tera, e può va dentro ponente e maistro in- china el chanpagnel de Sancta Chatarina, chon un chanpagnel che pare inver la tera se sera e chomo quel chanpagnel. E se fuxe da quello pizola chosa, vuolteve ala banda destra. Vedirì 1a ture dela banda de llà, che serà serada per mezo la ponta negra, et in quelo chognosì eser fuori di banchi e truoverì aqua passa 6. E per questo, chontrario farai quando tu volesi intrar per schapolar li banchi. In Sancto Ander Per voler intrar in Sancto Ander, chi per furtuna schorese in lo golfo de Bertagna, avanti che tu arivy in Sancto Ander, se vegnise da ponente vedirì per la staria senpre montagne alte, zoè chiam- ati del'Asturia. E quando vui seritti in chavo de quelli, vedirì algu- ne montagne chon algune valle. E queste montagne son basse e pare chomo alguny schogi lo teran biancho. E vuy vedirì sovra un pozzetto una badia chon 3 ture. Sapi che tu serà alargo dal porto Sancto

+ Jesus + To know how to enter into Sandwich, know when the moon is south north, high tide. And when you are ready to enter, you will see be- tween the west and northwest on the land a forest, and set yourself to go on the path of this forest all along the land, on the left hand entrance two balustrades or more. And bear in mind that along the coast of Sandwich you will see three bell towers, and you will go along the path of the forest un- til the small bell tower, you will discover that it is the fourth. Keep this small one with the third, then go following and direct your bow in a forest, in a beach, near a mill, until the first bell tower of the southwest. You put into a white point, that is of the island on the right side, and go ardently because of the water. In Flanders To enter the port of Sluys, that is of Flanders, you will go con- tinuously on the quarter of west by north until you reach the bell tower of St. Catherine, with a muzzle-shaped bell tower. You will see it from the part towards the land, and then enter west northwest un- til the bell tower of St. Catherine, with a bell tower that seems to hold towards the earth, and like that bell tower, and if it was that small one, turn to the right. You will see a tower on that side, which will be hidden by the center of the black bridge, and thus you will know that you are outside the bank and will find water 6 paces deep. And thus, you will do the opposite when you want to enter by avoiding the banks. In Santander To enter Santander, which luckily is in the Gulf of Britain, before you arrive in Santander, if you are coming from the west, you will see on this bearing continuous high mountains, that are called Asturias. And when you will be on the cape of these, you will see some mountains with a few valleys, and these mountains are low and the white terrain appears as cliffs. And you will see over a small pond an abbey with three towers, know that you are alongside the port of Santander