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Life at Sea: Service Record, 1412-1417 (p. 91-2b)

Life at Sea: Service Record, 1412-1417 (p. 091-2b)

This is the third page of Michael's service record, listing his voyages and officers from 1412 to 1417. During this period, Michael rose from nochiero to paron. Though the exact duties of the position are not clear, the paron was third highest officer on a galley, serving under a non-noble comito and a noble captain. In 1415, Michael returned home to find his first wife Dorotea had died. In 1416, Michael took part in a bloody sea battle against the Ottoman Turks near Gallipoli. Perhaps as a reward for his role in the fighting, Michael received a temporary promotion to the position of homo de conseio on a galley of Flanders in 1417.

See enlargement:

+ Ihesus + M'achordiè per nochiero al viazio de Fiandria del 1412 chon l'egregio miser Vido da Chanal “el grasso”, abiando in galia per chapetagno l'egregio miser Marcho Zustignan, el mio armiraio ser Michalletto de Benedetto, el mio chomitto ser Michalletto Giallitti, el mio paron ser Antuonyo da Chorfù. M'achordiè per nochiero al viazio de Fiandria del 1413 chon el nobille ho- mo miser Piero Marzello, abiando in la ditta per chapetagno l'egregio miser Marcho Lunbardo, el mio armiraio ser Alvixe de Bonainsegna, el mio chomitto ser Michiel di Verissielli, el mio paron ser Pasqualin d'Ogniben. M'achordiè per paron in la varda chon lo nobille homo miser Iachomo Barba- rigo del 1414, el nostro chapetagno l'egregio miser Piero Zivra- ny, el nostro chomitto ser Michiel di Verissielli. M'achordiè in la varda chon el nobille homo miser Nicholò di Priolli del 1415, el nostro chapetagno miser Nicholò Fuschullo, el mio chomi- tto ser Zanin de Lanzillotto, e mi so paron. E in questo troviè mi- a moier Dorattia morta. M'achordiè per paron in la varda del 1416 chon el nobile homo miser Iacho- mo Barbarigo, el nostro chapetagno l'egregio miser Piero Loredan, el mio chomitto ser Thomao Pissatto. Ala vituoria d'i Turchi. M'achordiè per homo de chonseyo al viazio de Fiandria del 1417 chon el no- belle homo miser Zuane Malipiero, el mio chomitto ser Antuonio Chopo, el mio paron ser Puolo Negro, siando chapetagno in le ditte miser Franzescho Pixany. //

+ Jesus + I signed on as nochiero on the voyage to Flanders of 1412 with the distinguished Vido da Chanal “the Fat,” having in the galley as capitano the distinguished Marcho Zustignan, my armiraio Michalletto de Benedetto, my comito Michalletto Giallitti and my paron Antuonyo da Chorfù. I signed on as nochiero on the voyage to Flanders of 1413 with the noble- man Piero Marzello, having there as capitano the distinguished Marcho Lunbardo, my armiraio Alvixe de Bonainsegna, my comito Michiel di Verissielli, my paron Pasqualin d'Ogniben. I signed on as patron in the Guard with the nobleman Iachomo Barba- rigo in 1414, our capitano the distinguished Piero Zivra- ny, our comito Michiel di Verissielli. I signed on in the Guard with the nobleman Nicholò di Priolli in 1415, our capitano Nicholò Fuschullo, my comi- to Zanin de Lanzillotto, and I was paron. And on this voyage I found my wife Dorattia dead. I signed on as paron in the Guard of 1416 with the nobleman Iacho- mo Barbarigo, our capitano the distinguished Piero Loredan, my comito Thomao Pissatto for the victory over the Turks. I signed on as homo de conseio on the voyage to Flanders of 1417 with the noble- man Zuane Malipiero, my chomito Antuonio Chopo, my paron Puolo Negro; the capitano for this was Franzescho Pixany.