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Life at Sea: Service Record, 1418-1424 (p. 92a)

Life at Sea: Service Record, 1418-1424 (p. 092a)

This is the fourth page of Michael's service record, listing his voyages and officers from 1418 to 1424. Only nobles could command large galleys, but Michael was given his own command of a small galley, or galleota, in 1419. In 1421, he was promoted to comito. The comito was the highest ranking non-noble officer on a galley. In 1422, Michael rose to the highest rank open to a non-noble in the Venetian maritime service, that of armiraio. The armiraio was the assistant to the captain of the entire fleet, which might contain as many as a dozen galleys and many lesser ships in the Gulf fleet, and as many as ten galleys in the merchant ones. Michael's son Teodorino died on the voyage.

See enlargement:

+ Ihesus + M'achordiè per paron in la varda del 1418 chon el nobile homo miser Bran- cha Loredan, siando chapetagno l'egregio miser Nicholò Chapello, el mio chomitto ser Thomao Pissatto. M'achordiè patron d'una galliotta in la varda d'Albanya del 1419, siando chapetagno l'egregio miser Franzescho Benbo. M'achordiè paron in lo viazio de Fiandria del 1420 chon el nobille homo miser Andria Queriny, siando in la ditta per chapetagno l'egregio miser Zuan Diedo, morì in Fiandria, el mio armiraio ser Alovixe de Bonainsegna, el mio chomitto ser Nichuola da Molin. M'achordiè per chomitto in lo viazio de la Tana del 1421 chon el nobile hom[o] miser Benedetto Michiel, abiando per chapetagno in la ditta l'egregio mi- ser Vido da Chanal “el Bivilaqua”, el mio armiraio ser Michalletto de Benedetto, el mio paron ser Zanin Parixotto. M'achordiè per armiraio in la varda del 1422 chon l'egregio miser Nicho- llò Chapello, el mio chomitto ser Zanin de San Rafael, el mio paron ser Pasqualin Marango[n]. Et in questo viazio morì mio fio Thodorin. M'achordiè per chomitto in llo viazio d'Alessandria chon el nobile homo miser Felipo da Chanal, el mio paron ser Bortholamio Negro, siando cha- petagno l'egregio miser Thomao Diedo. 1423. M'achordiè per chomitto in la varda del 1424 chon el nobile homo miser Polo Pasqualigo, mio paron Pasquali, chapetagno miser Piero Loredan, ai fatti de Galipoli. //

+ Jesus + I signed on as paron in the Guard of 1418 with the nobleman Bran- cha Loredan, capitano being the distinguished Nicholo Chapello, my comito Thomao Pissatto. I signed on as patron of a small galley in the Guard of Albania in 1419, capitano being the distinguished Franzescho Benbo. I signed on as paron on the voyage to Flanders of 1420 with the nobleman Andria Queriny, the capitano of this being the distinguished Zuan Diedo, who died in Flanders. My armiraio Alovixe de Bonainsegna. My comito was Nichuola da Molin. I signed on as comito in the voyage to Tana of 1421 with the nobleman Benedetto Michiel, having for capitano the distinguished Vido da Chanal "the Teetotaler," my armiraio Michalletto de Benedetto, my paron Zanin Parixotto. I signed on as armiraio in the Guard of 1422 with the distinguished Nichol- lo Chapello, my comito Zanin de San Rafael, my paron Pasqualin Marangon. And on this voyage died my son Theodorin. I signed on as comito on the voyage to Alexandria with the nobleman Felipo da Chanal, my paron Bortholamio Negro, cap- itano being the distinguished Thomao Diedo. 1423. I signed on as comito in the Guard of 1424 with the nobleman Polo Pasqualigo, my paron Pasquali, capitano Piero Loredan, for the events at Gallipoli.