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Life at Sea: Service Record, 1425-1431 (p. 92b)

Life at Sea: Service Record, 1425-1431 (p. 092b)

This is the fifth page of Michael's service record, listing his voyages and officers from 1425 to 1431. In 1428, he served as armiraio to Captain of the Fleet Andrea Mocenigo and participated in a major attack on the Ottoman port of Gallipoli. The attack had to be called off when the other galley commanders in the fleet refused to follow orders and come to the aid of Michael and Mocenigo during the battle. In 1431, he was so badly wounded in a sea battle against the Genoese that he had to be taken home over land.

See enlargement:

+ Ihesus + M'achordiè per chomitto in la varda del 1425 chon el nobille homo miser A- lovixe Loredan, siando chapetagno l'egregio miser Fantin Mi- chiel, el mio paron Antuonyo Negro. M'achordiè per chomitto in lo viazio de Trabexonda del 1426 chon el no- belle homo miser Felipo da Chanal, el mio paron ser Bortholamio Ne- gro, siando chapetagno l'egregio miser Puolo Pasqualigo. Et in questo ano andiè patron d'un arssil in Puya per chargar cha- valli a Trany e a Bexeye. M'achordiè per chomitto al viazio dela Tana del 1427 chon el nobille homo miser Nicholò Manolessio, el mio paron ser Marcho Marinzi, siando chapetagno l'egregio miser Troilo Malipiero. M'achordiè per armiraio in la varda chon l'egregio miser Andria Mozeny- go, el mio chomitto ser Antuonyo de Rizardo, el mio paron ser Nicholò Venier, del 1428. M'achordiè per homo de chonseyo in lo viazio de Fiandria chon l'egregio miser Nicholò Michiel, el mio chomitto ser Greguol d'Antuonyo, el mio paron ser Bernardo, siando chapetagno l'egregio miser Frederi- go Chontariny del 1430. M'achordiè in la varda per chomitto chon el nobile homo miser Puolo Pasqua- ligo, el mio paron ser Bortholamio Dobra, siando chapetagno l'egre- gio miser Piero Loredan. A la Riviera avesemo vituoria di Zenovexi e my veny per tera ferido e vasto, del 1431. //

+ Jesus + I signed on as comito in the Guard of 1425 with the nobleman Alo- vixe Loredan, capitano being the distinguished Fantin Mi- chiel, my paron Antuonyo Negro. I signed on as comito on the voyage to Trebizond of 1426 with the noble- man Felipo da Chanal, my paron Bortholamio Ne- gro, capitano being the distinguished Puolo Pasqualigo. And in this year I went as patron of an arsella in Apulia to load horses in Trani and Abesete. I signed on as comito on the voyage to Tana of 1427 with the noble- man Nicholo Manolessio, my paron Marcho Marinzi, capitano being the distinguished Troilo Malipiero. I signed on as armiraio in the Guard with the distinguished Andria Mozeny- go, my comito Antuonyo de Rizardo, my paron Nicholo Venier, in 1428. I signed on as homo de conseio on the voyage to Flanders with the distinguished Nicholo Michiel, my comito Greguol d'Antuonyo, my paron Bernardo, capitano being the distinguished Frederi- go Chontariny, in 1430. I signed on in the Guard as comito with the nobleman Puolo Pasqua- ligo, my paron Bortholamio Dobra, capitano being the distin- guished Piero Loredan. At the Riviera we had a victory over the Genoese and I went home over land, wounded and broken, in 1431.