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Life at Sea: Service Record, 1439-1445 (p. 93b)

Life at Sea: Service Record, 1439-1445 (p. 093b)

This is the seventh and final page of Michael's service record, listing his voyages and officers from 1439 to 1443. Michael did not sail on any military voyages in this period, serving exclusively on commercial voyages and special missions. After his final trip to London in 1443, he never sailed again. In 1445, he received a pension in the form of income from a position with the Steelyard, which was the weighing station of Venice. Note that Michael says that it was in January of 1444, but since the Venetian year didn't start until March 1, it would be 1445 by modern reckoning. Michael died in 1445.

See enlargement:

+ Ihesus + 1439 M'achordiè in lo viazio del papa in Romanya. Portassimo l'imperador in Chostantinopolli, chapetagno dela ditta l'egregio miser Antuonyo Chondolmer, abiando la gallia del nobille homo miser Andrea Gritti, abiando patron in lla ditta miser Nichollò Gritti, ssiando in chonpanya gallie 2 dela Tana, chapetagno dele ditte miser Marcho Zacor, patro- ny miser Andrea Contariny e miser Franzescho Manollessio, army- rayo delle ditte Nichollò Dellegende, mio armyrayo ser Benedetto d'Ar- dovin, mio paron zurado Antuonio Parexin. 1440. M'achordiè in lo viazio de Zipri per portar la raina, per armyrayo del nobille homo miser Benedetto Dandullo, andassemo a Zerine, a Famagosta, a Zafo, a Barutto a Zafo, a Famagosta e tornase- mo in Venyexia. Mio chomitto ser Bortholomyo Fiorian, paron Zan Bafo. Tornassemo in Veniexia. Gallia bella. M'achordiè in lo viazio de Fiandria chon el nobille hom[o] miser Alvixe Diedo del 1441. Nostro chapeta- nyo miser Lorenzo Minyo, gallie 4. Mio chomito Nycholò dela Zudecha, paron Dagnel Furlan. 1442 M'achordiè per hom[o] de chonseyo chon el nobille hom[o] miser Piero Orio in lo viazio d'Alessandria, chapetagno miser Marin da Molin, mio chomitto Daniel Forlan. M'achordiè del 1443 hom[o] de chonseyo chon el nobille hom[o] miser Bartho- lomeo Pixany al viazio de Londra, chapetagno miser Zorzi Valaresso. mio cho- mitto ser Nichollò dela Zudecha, el tuxo. E del 1444 avy la stadera, adì 28 zener.

+ Jesus + 1439 I signed up in the papal voyage to Romanya. We carried the emperor to Constantinople, the capitano in this the distinguished Antuonyo Chondolmer, having the galley of the nobleman Andrea Gritti, Having as paron Nichollò Gritti, being in company with Tana galleys, whose capitano was Marcho Zacor and patrons Andrea Contariny and Franzescho Manollessio, armi- raio of them Nichollò Dellegende, my armiraio Benedetto d'Ar- dovin, my sworn paron Antuonio Parexin. 1440 I signed up on the voyage to Cyprus to carry the queen, as armiraio of the nobleman Benedetto Dandullo. We went to Serine, to Famagusta, to Jaffa, to Beirut, to Famagusta and we returned to Venice. My comito Bortholomyo Fiorian, paron Zan Baffo. We returned to Venice. A beautiful galley. I signed up on the voyage to Flanders with the noble- man Alvixe Diedo in 1441. Our capi- tano Lorenzo Minyo, 4 galleys. My comito Nycholò dela Zudecha, paron Dagnel Furlan. 1442 I signed up as homo de conseio with the nobleman Piero Orio on the voyage to Alexandria, capitano Marin da Molin, my comito Daniel Forlan. I signed up in 1443 as homo de conseio with nobleman Bartho- lomeo Pixany on the voyage to London, capitano Zorzi Valaresso, my co- mito Nichollò dela Zudecha, “the Bald.” And in 1445, I had the Steelyard on January 28.