Ancient Aqueduct of Pitigliano
Built on a project by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger and dating to the 16th century, the old aqueduct of Pitigliano is formed by two large arches supported by an enormous pilaster in tufa, dating to the Medicean period, and by thirteen little arches erected during the Lorraine period. The scenographic construction rises sheer over the tufa cliffs. Three fountains in the adjoining Piazza della Repubblica constitute the terminal of the aqueduct. It is well worth following the itinerary along the town streets, with its characteristic houses "suspended" on the tufa crag.
Pitigliano, Piazza Garibaldi
Geographic coordinates:
42.6348 - 11.6695
Historic-scientific interest:

Texts by Graziano Magrini
English translation by Victor Beard
Last update 04/nov/2010