Ecomuseo del Casentino - Il Sistema Manifatturiero [Casentino Ecomuseum - The Manufacturing System]
The Casentino Ecomuseum Manufacturing System is distributed over the territory. It indeed deals with all the evidence of manufacturing activities of the area, and with the various typologies of buildings used for production. Since the age of the communes, along the course of the River Arno and its largest tributaries, rose numerous manufactories that exploited river waters in order to wash wool and as hydraulic energy to drive machinery (grain mills, fulling mills, sawmills, ironworks, paper-mills, furnaces, and ceramics factories).
Particularly important are the wool districts of Stia and Soci, famous for the production of Casentino cloth, the plants for the production of silk in Rassina and Subbiano, the Bonano ironworks in the Commune of Talla, the workshops of blacksmiths and horseshoers of Pagliericcio in the Commune of Castel San Niccolò, and of Santa Mama, and in the Commune of Subbiano.

Texts by Graziano Magrini
English translation by Victor Beard
Last update 08/gen/2008