Ecomuseo della Montagna Pistoiese - Polo Didattico della Pietra [Pistoia Mountains Ecomuseum - Educational Centre for Stone]
The Polo Didattico della Pietra is included in the itinerary of the Pistoia Mountains Ecomuseum. Displayed in the intermediate schools of Pàvana are implements accompanied by informative panels and educational materials. Stone-working demonstrations are given outdoors, and there are educational games for children. The educational centre is completed by three itineraries displaying objects linked to the stonemason's art. The first of these (Pàvana – Sambuca – Case Bettini – Pàvana) runs through ancient villages to find fascinating structures in stone (churches, walls, fountains, palaces). The second (La Borraccia – Torri – Cave di Torri), it too filled with curious relics of the past such as the typical, disquieting masks that emerge from the walls of buildings, leads to the Cave di Torri, the largest stone quarries in the area. Lastly, the third itinerary (Treppio and Valle della Limentrella) leads through abandoned villages where interesting stone structures are still to be found.

Texts by Graziano Magrini
English translation by Catherine Frost
Last update 09/feb/2008