Faini Mill
Located in Borgo di Grezzano, the mill dates at least to 1588 as property of the Pieroni family of Florence. In 1642, it became property of the Santa Maria Nuova Hospital of Florence, and in 1780 become property of the Faini family which kept it operating until 1988, when it decided to open it to the public, resuming the production of flour to illustrate the age-old techniques. Since 2002, it is part of the Mugello - Upper Mugello - Val di Sieve Diffused Museum.
Inside the old mill, restored in 2001, are the original machinery and equipment (datable from the 18th to the 20th century) used on site during the mill’s activity, including a water turbine, a millstone, sifters, sieves, scales and more. The machinery and equipment are in their original locations.

Texts by Donato Monaco
English translation by Victor Beard
Last update 25/gen/2008