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  • "Cannon" sundial, Liceo "Francesco Cicognini", Prato.zoom in altra finestra
  • Helmholz resonators, Liceo "Francesco Cicognini", Prato.zoom in altra finestra

Liceo Ginnasio "Francesco Cicognini" ["Francesco Cicognini" Intermediate and Secondary School]

Formed in 1973 by separation from the dal Convitto Nazionale Cicognini, the Liceo Ginnasio "Francesco Cicognini" has occupied its new premises in Via Baldanzi since that time. In 1999 it was consolidated with the "G. Rodari" Social Psychological Pedagogic Secondary School, to form the present-day "Cicognini - Rodari" Institute.

The School has inherited the important historic scientific collections of the National Boarding School, which had been kept on its premises in Piazza del Collegio. The naturalist collection is made up of biological material, of minerals and rocks coming in great part from collections originally owned by the ancient Boarding School. The biological specimens date from the period ranging from the late 19th century to the early 20th. The mineralogy section also includes interesting specimens from the territory around Prato, in particular from Monte Calvana and Monte Ferrato. The collections also include antique wax models of human anatomy and ethnographic material from the Pacific islands.

The physics collection, made up of four main sections (Mechanics, Acoustics, Optics and Electromagnetism), includes apparatus for measurement and educational experiments dating from the middle of the 19th century, fabricated by important Italian and European manufacturers.

The Institute also possesses the historic library of the Cicognini Boarding School and an archive of reviews.


Texts by Carlo Triarico

English translation by Catherine Frost

Last update 13/feb/2008