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  • Entrance of the Museo del vetro di Empolizoom in altra finestra

MUVE - Museo del Vetro di Empoli [Museum of Glass in Empoli]

Located in the picturesque surroundings of the ancient Salt Store, restored for the occasion, the Museum of Glass in Empoli (MUVE) was inaugurated the 1st July 2010. The exhibition is spread over two floors, running through the history of glass production in Empoli, already active in the fifteenth century, but flourishing since the mid-18th century and especially in the 19th century, thanks also to the strategic position of Empoli on the way from Florence to Pisa, touched by the railway by the middle of the century.

Common objects such as flasks, carboys and bottles, are on display in the first-floor windows along tools, documents, photographs and advertising images that illustrate the changes in the production of glass in Empoli. On the second floor, interesting pieces of artistic glass reflect an important craft sector of Tuscany in the 20th century. The tour is then enriched by evocativ visual and sound effects designed to recreate the atmosphere of historic glasswork.


Texts by Elena Fani

English translation by Ghada Belhadj

Last update 04/gen/2011