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Catalogue > Virtual Visit Room II
II.18 Box of mining instruments
Maker: unknown
Date:16th cent.
Materials:instruments: brass; box: wood
Dimensions:270x190 mm
Current inventory:683

This German-made box comprises three levels containing instruments and accessories (some missing). On the first level are six wrought brass feet and four graduated brass rods. The second level carries a graduated disk with two small magnetic compasses forming the horizontal base of a mining theodolite. The third level contains the following: the vertical part of the mining theodolite, consisting of a graduated circle attached to a rod ending in a hook and fitted with an index, also hook-shaped; a clinometer, a plummet, a magnetic needle, and a plumb bob. Brought to Florence from Germany by Prince Mattias de' Medici in the first half of the seventeenth century.



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