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Room II. Foreign mathematical instruments << previous room | next room >>  
Room II presentation
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Room II displays two groups of instruments of great importance. The first includes the precious instruments that Prince Mathias, brother of Ferdinand II de' Medici, acquired in Germany: quadrants, astrolabes, and surveying instruments, signed by the most celebrated makers in Europe, such as the Schisslers. The second group includes the innovative nautical instruments designed by Sir Robert Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, and bequeathed by him to the Medici: nautical astrolabes, theodolites, and quadrants made in England during the reign of Elizabeth I. Also exhibited are other instruments of foreign manufacture: Chinese compasses, one of the first mechanical calculators (developed by Samuel Morland and dedicated to Grand Duke Cosimo III), and splendid Flemish astrolabes. This selection demonstrates the international scope of the Medici collections. The ambition of assembling a collection of marvels gave way, in the seventeenth century, to the quest for innovative instruments, chiefly appreciated for their usefulness.

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Explore Room II
Plane astrolabe (Inv. 1114) Mathematical compendium (Inv. 2467) Gunner's rule (Inv. 2517) Trigonometric quadrants (Inv. 2529, 2637)
Gimbaled compass (Inv. 2535) Horary quadrant (Inv. 155, 156) Jacob's staff (Inv. 3167) Jacob's staff (Inv. 3167)
Box of mathematical instruments (Inv. 2532, 2541- 2543, ...) Box of mining instruments (Inv. 2538) Reel (Inv. 617) Tripod base (Inv. 2538)
Tripod legs (Inv. 2538) Magnetic compass (Inv. 3182) Horizontal dial (Inv. 2538) Protractor (Inv. 3182)
Surveying rods (Inv. 2536, 2537) Box of mining instruments (Inv. 683) Stands (Inv. 709) Surveying rod (Inv. 693)
Proportional and surveying compasses (Inv. 2510) Nocturnal and sundial (Inv. 2498) Horizontal dial (Inv. 2484) Theodolite (Inv. 154)
Gunner's level (Inv. 669, 2539) Quadrant with Easter scale (Inv. 2518) Quadrant (Inv. 1495, 2465) Theodolite (Inv. 150)
Polyhedral dial (Inv. 126) Triangulation instrument (Inv. 645) Surveying instrument (Inv. 643) Plane astrolabe (open) (Inv. 1111)
Plane astrolabe (Inv. 1282) Folding rule (Inv. 2540) Astronomical compendium (Inv. 2478) Surveying instrument (Inv. 691)
Proportional compasses (Inv. 2512) Military instrument (Inv. 2530) Diptych dial (Inv. 2462) Diptych dial (Inv. 2471)
Diptych dial (Inv. 2473) Perpetual calendar (Dep. MA, Firenze) Graphometer (Inv. 3630) Magnetic declination compass (Inv. 493)
Nautical compass (Inv. 600) Nautical compass (Inv. 599) Astrolabe (Inv. 1123, 1124, 1127) Astrolabe (Inv. 1095)
Horary quadrant (Inv. 2519) Nautical circle (Inv. 1116) Nautical hemisphere (Inv. 1099, 1122) Windrose (Inv. 3372)
Quadrant (Inv. 3365) Astrolabe (Inv. 1093) Quadrant (Inv. 2509) Astrolabe (Inv. 1100)
Astrolabe (Inv. 1098) Plate for nautical use (Inv. 663) Nautical instrument (Inv. 3174) Folding rule (Inv. 2516)
Quadrant (Inv. 242, 3362) Protractor (Inv. 613) Surveying compass (Inv. 2527) Altimeter theodolite (Inv. 2528)
Theodolite (Inv. 240) Nocturnal (Inv. 2500) Mariner's astrolabe (Inv. 1119) Astrolabe (Inv. 1097)
Astrolabe (Inv. 1103) Astrolabe (Inv. 1094) Barrois compass (Inv. 656) Horizontal dial (Inv. 2475)
Equinoctial dial (Inv. 2479) Theodolite (Inv. 1278) Proportional compasses (Inv. 3647) Proportional compasses (Inv. 3676)
Square (Inv. 3677) Plumb level (gunner's level) and proportional compasses (Inv. 3695) Folding square (Inv. 3629) Protractor (Inv. 1126, 612)
Magnetic compass (Inv. 1288) Ringing ball (Inv. 666) Ringing ball (Inv. 667) Sundial (Inv. 2482)
Mariner's compass (Inv. 125) Geomantic compass (Inv. 2483) Trigonometric machine (Inv. 689) Calculating machine (Inv. 679)
"Noon cannon" (Inv. 3575) Portrait of Nikolaus Kratzer (Inv. 3566)        
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